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On April 26, 2022, Frida’s Foundation had the pleasure to interview a very special celebrity guest – Amber Marshall, star of the long-running Canadian TV drama Heartland. Diviya Roney, Founder & CEO of Frida’s Foundation had an in-depth one on one conversation on when and how Amber’s love for animals started, the Amber Marshall Farm, the importance of Spay and Neuter, Trap Neuter Return, The Vacuum Effect, Spay & Neuter Clinics, and so much more.

Below are some highlights from the 80 minute interview. For ongoing updates on Amber and her farm please visit:



Question: Where did your love for animals come from and when did it start? How far back can you go?

“As long as I can remember, as soon as I could talk, as soon as I could sing, which was very soon after, I started writing my own little songs at two and three years old about being a farmer, about being a veterinarian, about being around animals. That was kind of just my true love from day one . . . [S]o it started very early and I think that really did shape me into who I am today, because I'm so comfortable around animals. I'm almost more comfortable around animals than I am around people."



Question: How many animals do you have on your farm?

“That’s a good question. I honestly don’t know. I've got eight horses, a bunch of cows, five chickens, couple of rabbits, couple of dogs, couple of cats, couple of ducks. I don't know, I don't ever do a head count. Because I'm like, I don't want to know how many mouths I’m feeding. I just do it. I see the budget come in for the mouths I’m feeding. . . [S]o yeah, when you say how many do I have, I don't really know. And I don't keep track. But I know everybody who's supposed to be here. And when I go out each night, I make sure everybody's doing well. But as far as going and doing an actual tally, I kind of stay away from that."





















Amber Marshall on Spay and Neuter and Trap Neuter Return

“Because I'm also a big advocate for not only spay and neuter, but the fact that some animals don't want to be house pets. And I think there's a lot of people that think or believe that, oh, if I go and rescue this cat that's been, you know, loose for five years of its life and bring it into my home, it's going to be much happier. But I believe that's not the case. I think that if a cat's been loose on its own for five years, the best thing you can do for that animal is to go in and humanely spay or neuter that animal and set it back out because now it's not populating. It's just continuing to live the life that it is known.”



Amber’s view on The Vacuum Effect

“So my ideas on rescuing and that sort of thing are, the animal has to be in distress, in my opinion. And if it's not, then I believe in the going in spaying and neutering, vaccines too, and then letting them carry on their life. Because the problem with removing all these animals too, is you just make room for more animals to populate. . . [E]ach animal has their territory, they have their space. So when you remove them from that space, that allows somebody else to move in and thrive, because obviously, that animal was thriving there, which is why they were reproducing so much. So now that space that's probably plentiful with a warm spot to sleep, food and water is now available, there's free real estate there, somebody else can move in and start doing the same thing. But by going in and sterilizing the animals, and I hate that word, because it sounds so crude, I guess. But by going in and preventing them from reproducing, they still maintain that territory; they don't allow another animal to move in and start taking over. But they can live out their life, just the way that they were living before happy and content. So that's my, my take on it and everybody sees it differently and that's fine.”


This video is the sole property of Frida's Foundation - All Rights Reserved 4/26/2022

Amber’s final words and wrap up

“We both know we're on the same page and just with the experiences that you've shared with me today, I feel like I know you a lot better, and I appreciate everything you're doing because there needs to be so much more attention put on this. And just like we discussed, you know, it's not just about rescuing these animals, it's about stopping the problem at the root of the cause and I think that really needs to be talked about more. . . [J]ust keep doing what you're doing and the world will be a better place for it for sure.”

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